JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)

WildFly 8

How to Add a Test Case

(Please don't (re)move - this is a landing page from a Jira link.)

Thank you for finding time to contribute to WildFly 8 quality.
Covering corner cases found by community users with tests is very important to increase stability.
If you're providing a test case to support your bug report, it's very likely that your bug will be fixed much sooner.

1) Create a test case.

It's quite easy - a simple use case may even consist of one short .java file.

Check WildFly 8 test suite test cases for examples.

For more information, see WildFly Testsuite Test Developer Guide. Check the requirements for a test to be included in the testsuite.

Ask for help at WildFly 8 forum or at IRC - #wildfly @ FreeNode.

2) Push your test case to GitHub and create a pull request.

For information on how to create a GitHub account and push your code therein, see Hacking on WildFly.

If you're not into Git, send a diff file to JBoss forums, someone might pick it up.

3) Wait for the outcome.

Your test case will be reviewed and eventually added. It may take few days.

When something happens, you'll receive a notification e-mail.

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-13 13:50:48 UTC, last content change 2014-04-19 05:51:43 UTC.